Shaping the Future with Disruptive Digital Asset Technologies

Our Mision

SevenOneTwo is a technology and community firm dedicated to redefining the landscape of digital assets through innovative technologies and collaborative development.

Our mission is crystal clear: leverage the power of digital asset-based instruments and cutting-edge technological advancements to address and solve some of the biggest challenges faced by industries today. At SevenOneTwo, we're not just about innovation for its own sake; we're about using innovation to create meaningful, practical solutions that foster widespread adoption and drive transformative change.

Value Proposition

SevenOneTwo's value proposition is anchored in our commitment to pioneering advancements in both generative and non-generative AI, with a special focus on self-hosted large language models (LLMs) and FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) computing.

This dual focus enables us to offer unique, powerful solutions that stand at the intersection of technology and usability:

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Innovative Digital Asset Instruments

We develop cutting-edge digital asset platforms and instruments that redefine efficiency, security, and scalability in transactions and asset management.

Advanced AI Integration

Our work with both generative and non-generative AI, including proprietary LLMs, places us at the forefront of AI-driven solutions in the digital asset domain.

FPGA Computing

By leveraging FPGA computing, we optimize the performance and flexibility of our AI models and digital asset platforms, ensuring high-speed processing and adaptability to evolving needs.

Community-Driven Innovation

Our solutions are crafted in collaboration with our community, ensuring they meet real-world needs and are primed for widespread adoption and impact.

Advancing AI

Core of Our Engineering Excellence

Artificial Intelligence is the bedrock upon which SevenOneTwo's innovations are built. Our dedicated focus on both generative and non-generative AI, powered by self-hosted LLMs and enhanced by FPGA computing, sets us apart as leaders in the field of digital asset technology.

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Case Study

Revolutionizing Digital Asset Management with AI and FPGA Computing


The digital asset ecosystem is burgeoning, yet it is fraught with challenges related to speed, security, and scalability. Traditional computing solutions struggle to keep pace with the demands of real-time data processing and analysis, leading to bottlenecks and vulnerabilities.


SevenOneTwo embarked on a project to integrate FPGA computing with our self-hosted LLMs, creating a robust, flexible platform for digital asset management. This integration allows for unparalleled processing speeds and the ability to reconfigure on the fly to meet the ever-changing demands of the digital asset market.


The adoption of our FPGA-powered, AI-driven platform has marked a turning point for our clients in the digital asset industry. They've experienced dramatic improvements in transaction speeds, enhanced security measures, and greater scalability of their operations. This case study exemplifies our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in digital asset technology, providing solutions that are not only innovative but also immediately impactful and scalable.

Our Ethos

Big Solutions for Big Problems

The ethos of SevenOneTwo is built around the belief that the biggest problems offer the biggest opportunities for change. We are committed to disruptive technologies as the pathway to solving these problems, driving industry-wide adoption, and ultimately, creating a future where digital asset technologies are seamlessly integrated into the fabric of global commerce and interaction.

Our dedication to innovation extends beyond just technological advancements; it encompasses a holistic approach to rethinking how digital assets can serve humanity better. By focusing on community-driven development, we ensure that our innovations are grounded in the needs and aspirations of the people and industries we serve.

Join the Revolution

At SevenOneTwo, we're not just building technologies; we're building the future. Whether you're a potential client, a partner, or someone passionate about the transformative power of digital assets and AI, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey.